Hi! I'm Wendy Siegelman (creator of this site), I spent most of my adult life in the corporate world and left for a while to reconnect with my creative roots and now work for an amazing nonprofit iCouldBe.org that provides online mentoring to at risk teens. I launched CreativityFuse.com to indulge my love of art and to feature artists creating unusual and beautiful artwork. Sometimes I dabble with writing and sometimes I walk around taking pictures of architecture in NYC and have an instagram account nyc.buildings here. And below are some of my drawings and paintings.  
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26 Responses

  1. Hi,

    I like your website, thanks by the way for adding so often new interesting contents. By the way, this time i discovered a new emerging artist whose name is Henri Lamy, and would bery much appreciate that you feature it in “creativity fuse”. You can check out his wiorks at http://henrilamy.fr/

    Thanks, have a nice day

    kind regard


  2. Could you email me with any hints about how you made this site look like this , Id appreciate it.

    • This is a custom wordpress site using the Arras theme and a custom CSS style sheet. If you have any other questions, please include your direct email. Best, Wendy

  3. Richard Williams

    Hi wendy, I would like to say first of all that you have the eye for gooqd quality Art,keep up the good work here, I am new to this site but so far I love it,I am a Trinidad and Tobago born artist living in Germany and would like to show my art here, please if you would be interested I could e mail some so you can see them.
    Thank You!
    Richard Williams

  4. I enjoy the posts I’ve seen so far. Thanks for sharing.

    And good luck with the NaNoWriMo book! I have participated for two years in a row but didn’t reach the minimum word limit either year. It’s a great exercise in daily writing.

  5. How dumb i was ! I had no idea you are the creator of this website until I read Letting go!
    I gotta say i love the layout and the background color of this website. It’s so warm and reminds me of the cozy feeling of that green couch in your apartment:)

  6. hi wendy — this is looking fantastic! lizz

  7. Judy Rudikoff

    I haven’t visited for a while, and so much is new – really like what you’re bringing in. I think I’ve got to be around more.

  8. Judy Rudikoff

    Wow, you’ve added so much – and it’s always so interesting. Love what you’re doing.

  9. Dear Wendy,
    i am a big fan of your beautiful site, as i know it from http://www.arrastheme.com.

    I wanted to show you this tensegrity artist: Konstantin Atchkow

  10. hi Wendy, loved the Andy Goldsworthy pics and hope to spend more time with your blog- very good- got to browse the subway art section too… Cecilia

  11. Your website is looking great and thanks to give some attention to my work.
    Kind Regards.

  12. Very nice Wendy; the site looks great! Congratulations!

  13. Wendy! This is amazing. Exciting. Rich latent talent. Congratulations on the website. I only got to see it today.Love the look and feel ot it. All the best – and way to go!

  14. Lori Greene

    This looks so great Wendy — congrats! Will you be tweeting your posts? I’ll follow you.

  15. Agreed. This is an amazing site! And I loved KITCHEN, too.

    • Hi Sangeeta, thanks so much! You’re the first person I know who has also read that book, we have to compare book lists sometime. Wendy

  16. Jessica Cohn

    GREAT site!

What do you think?