Mask photographs, Happy Halloween!
Very cool mask in red at the 2010 Carnevale in Venice by Alaskan Dude
Venetian Mask by Gerry Balding
Paper Masks by Curious Flux
Masque de cérémonie - African ceremonial mask by Luc Legay
The Mask by Xenia Antunes
El Dia de los Muertos day of the dead mask and wall hanging by Lipstattoo
Bird Mask Made From Recycled Cereal Box and Tyvek Mailer by Elizabeth Abernathy
Masks by Michael D. Dunn
Masks (New Orleans) by exfordy
Amy Masked (Again) by Cabbit
Feathers, mask, woman by Marakuya (Anna Polzunova)
Butterfly by Nwardez
Masked by Velo City
Masks by Ash-rly
A collection on photos of masks, in celebration of Halloween. Happy trick or treating!
What do you think?