Photorealism painting has that wow factor, paintings that capture the minute detail of photographs, and in the case of hyperrealistic paintings, seem to capture more than a photograph. There's a proliferation of this incredible work on the internet (not to mention in galleries and museums). But I found it interesting that there was only one woman, Audrey Flack, among the original photorealist painters. Audrey was born in New York in 1931 and is a painter, printmaker, and sculptor. You can learn more at Audrey's website, and below is a sampling of her modern, relevant, vibrant, and beautiful artwork that was created approximately three decades ago.
Audrey Flack, Chanel, 1974
Audrey Flack, World War II (Vanitas), 1976-77
Audrey Flack, Wheel of Fortune, 1977-78
Audrey Flack, Queen, 1975-76
Audrey Flack, Marilyn (Vanitas), 1977
Audrey Flack, Invocation, 1982
Audrey Flack, Energy Apples, 1980
Audrey Flack, Crayola, 1972-1973
What do you think?