Ron Mueck, an Australian born artist who currently resides in the U.K., makes mixed media hyperrealist sculptures that are full of life-like detail, except for their size. Below are images from various exhibits where the the unusual proportions of the sculptures are set-off by the presence of the real-life viewers. (Note: images are from various websites, unfortunately it doesn't appear that Mueck has his own site, if someone finds it please let me know via the comment area below).
5 Responses
julianne kohn
Amazing detail, what material is it ?
Krisna Alcaraz
i luv ur photos <3
Ron Mueck, Angel, 1997 Via | TUMBLR TRANSLATOR
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Você já prestou atenção no seu corpo hoje? | Arte, Trabalho e Sonho
[…] como o corpo humano [com todos os seus defeitos] é uma obra incrível. Quem quiser ver mais: Share this:TwitterFacebookGostar disso:GostoSeja o primeiro a gostar disso post. Publicado em […]
his sculptures are amazing!! 🙂