Hyperrealist sculptures by Ron Mueck

Hyperrealist sculptures by Ron Mueck

posted in: featured art, Sculpture | 5
Ron Mueck, an Australian born artist who currently resides in the U.K., makes mixed media hyperrealist sculptures that are full of life-like detail, except for their size. Below are images from various exhibits where the the unusual proportions of the sculptures are set-off by the presence of the real-life viewers. (Note: images are from various websites, unfortunately it doesn't appear that Mueck has his own site, if someone finds it please let me know via the comment area below).
Ron Mueck Boy 1999
Ron Mueck Boy 1999


Ron Mueck Boy 1999 (2)
Ron Mueck Boy 1999 (2)


Ron Mueck Boy 1999
Ron Mueck Boy 1999


Ron Mueck Boy 1999 (3)
Ron Mueck Boy 1999 (3)


Ron Mueck Two Women 2005
Ron Mueck Two Women 2005


Ron Mueck Two Women 2005 (2)
Ron Mueck Two Women 2005 (2)


Ron Mueck Two Women 2005 (3)
Ron Mueck Two Women 2005 (3)


Ron Mueck Angel
Ron Mueck Angel


Ron Mueck Pregnant Woman
Ron Mueck Pregnant Woman


Ron Mueck
Ron Mueck


Ron Mueck Old Woman
Ron Mueck Old Woman


Ron Mueck Mask 1997
Ron Mueck Mask 1997


Ron Mueck Mask III
Ron Mueck Mask III


Ron Mueck Mask III
Ron Mueck Mask III


Ron Mueck Mask II 2001-2002
Ron Mueck Mask II 2001-2002


Ron Mueck In Bed 2005 (3)
Ron Mueck In Bed 2005 (3)


Ron Mueck In Bed 2005
Ron Mueck In Bed 2005


Ron Mueck In Bed 2005 (2)
Ron Mueck In Bed 2005 (2)


Ron Mueck In Bed 2005 (4)
Ron Mueck In Bed 2005 (4)


5 Responses

  1. Amazing detail, what material is it ?

  2. i luv ur photos <3

  3. […] Via window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: "", xfbml: true}); FB.Event.subscribe('comment.create', function(response) { }); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.async = true; e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js'; document.getElementById('fb-root').appendChild(e); }()); Written by deluxerabbit Posted in cool and speed, easy style […]

  4. […] como o corpo humano [com todos os seus defeitos] é uma obra incrível. Quem quiser ver mais: http://www.creativityfuse.com/2010/11/hyperrealist-sculptures-by-ron-mueck/ Share this:TwitterFacebookGostar disso:GostoSeja o primeiro a gostar disso post. Publicado em […]

  5. his sculptures are amazing!! 🙂

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