Is it art? Sidewalk murals
Hani Shihada, because his works decorate the sidewalks of my upper west side neighborhood.
Julian Beever creates some fun and whimsical sidewalk paintings that play tricks with perspective.
Artist Kurt Wenner draws upon classical art and presents it with a new twist.
It's not permanent, it's in public spaces, people walk over it. So is sidewalk art actually art? I think these examples show what incredible art it can be.
I'm partial to the first of the three artists shown below,
One Response
April Sandmeyer
You can contact NYC iconic sidewalk artist, Hani Shihada, at 917-673-4843,, or
Sangeeta Mehta
I also took a photo of Hani’s Michael Jackson sidewalk mural. I kept walking by it and decided I had to preserve it.